Nagarjuna Sagar

Nagarjuna Sagar is a dam whoseconstruction started in 1955 and it was active from the year 1960. It is notedas the world’s largest masonry dam and built across Krishna Riverin Nalgonda district in Andhra Pradesh. The dam is an initiation of “GreenRevolution in India”and is used for power generation and irrigational purposes. Nalgonda, Prakasam, Khammam,Krishna and Gunturare the districts which use the dam’s water for irrigation and power consumption.
History of the dam:
From the pages of history books,it is told that the idea of construction of dam was proposed by the Britishengineers along with the consent of Hyderabad Nizams. It took years toimplement the well structured plan of construction. It was inaugurated byJawaharlal Nehru in 1955 followed by construction of power plant by IndiraGandhi in 1967. More units were added as the demand for power supply was increasing.
The dam has the capacity ofgenerating 815.6 MW from8 units of the power plant. Close to 52 villages were submerged with theemerging dam waters and 24000 people were relocated by the end of 2007. Todaythe total catchment area of the dam is 215000 sq km.