Manmohan Singh in UN General Assembly
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Attended the General Assembly of UNO on Saturday, in which representatives from 193 countries have participated and discussed some key issues, facing by the world.
Manmohan Singh has spoken for 15 minutes in which he covered various contemporary issues of the world.
Firstly he worried about the working of the UNSC; he urged all the nations to support in the expansion of UNSC. Due to the contemporary changes in the world there is an urgent need to Reform and Expand the UNSC to save its Credibility.
Talking on financial crisis he said, every nation must take some concrete steps to do away with the financial crisis as soon as possible.
Talking on UNO he said, there is a need for effective and powerful UNO to expand its duties and it must reach the poor countries.
Finally he spoke on World terrorism,”the fight on terrorism must not confined to selected territories, it should be universal”.
Sun 25 Sep, 2011,9:49:39 PM