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Bring onThe Funnies
 Bring onThe Funnies
A workshop on humour is being organised by Nishumbita and the U. S. Consulate Hyderabad are here to make you laugh and enjoy and have fun but at the same time drive home the message.

Rajiv Satyal, Azhar Usman and Hari Kondabolu, the Indian American Stand-up Comedians from "Make Chai Not War".

The 2-hour workshop is limited to 25 participants. Entry is free.

Register by sending in your name, contact details, profession, email id, address for communication and few sentences as to why you would like to join this workshop to [email protected]

Venue: Vidyaranya School, Secretariat Road

Date: January 8

Sat 07 Jan, 2012,2:10:57 AM

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